About this Playlist
You probably won’t hear any straight rock or generic pop music on the playlist, It’s as much influenced by classic blues and rock as 80’s pop and electro, 90’s house and indie rock, 70’s soul and disco, 60’s jazz and R&B.
Human rhythms not algorithms are how the songs are selected as they are a product of what went before and what I listen to in the present, my years of musical experiences and how this particular sound is now expressed.
“Impeccable selection this – actually my favourite kind of music; funky without being funk, soulful and uplifting. Love it” Nick Faber artist and label owner of Fabyl Records.
“Some amazing tunes on this playlist” Smoove, artist, DJ, producer with Smoove & Turrell and Wack Records
Introducing the singer/songwriter of Russian-British heritage, Maxine Scott with her seductively soulful ‘Erykah U Bad’ EP. Already voted as BBC Radio Kent’s ‘Fresh Find’, you’ll understand why when you listen to the original version. Maxine’s beautifully evocative composition blends a hybrid of ‘90s inspired sounds drawing on R&B, soul + Nujazz and the level of maturity in her lyrical content belies her 22 years.*
The Hoof is really digging the North Street West Supreme Hip Hop mix and caught up with Maxine for a chat, I think the words she ended with are actually a great way to begin.
“I just want to say to anyone reading this thank you for listening to my music — and whatever you’re doing in life just carry on. Life is magic if you make it, experience everything. And share love, always”
Tell us about yourself and how you got into music
I’ve been doing music ever since I can remember. I would wake the whole house up at 6am by singing at the top of my lungs at like 4yrs old. I’ve never stopped doing it since. My mum said I was singing before I could talk. I’ve had releases with Otis Obaka on his ‘Fly Away’ track which got some great attention and a club hit with ADR (UK) – I was featured on ‘Back to Dance’ which got a lot of action on the dance charts. Then my mum A&R’d me to Jo at Ramrock Records on Ramsgate Station and said ‘you must check out my daughter’s music’ – it was that random! And now I’ve got the ‘Erykah U Bad’ EP signed to Ramrock Blue Records!!
So how have you kept busy during the last year or so, did the pandemic stifle your creativity or did the free time allow you to experiment more.
I had my ‘Erykah U Bad’ EP launch with my band at Elsewhere in Margate, which was fab! My EP is out now so go and stream it !!! I’ve been in the studio with UK dance dons, Ashley Beedle and Rob Mello of the Black Science Orchestra on a track for their 30th year anniversary project. I’ve also been working on a new EP with Australian based producer, Andrew Sant – so good – and there’s my new broken beats/nujazz collab EP with London based beat maker/producer Alf.E – it’s the follow up to ‘Erykah U Bad’ – soon come!
What’s the inspiration behind ‘Erykah U Bad’
I love Erykah Badu and as you can tell the production & song title says it all!!!! But I reach back into jazz’s heritage and learn from the creators.
Tell us about your writing and recording process, what instruments, hardware or software to you use.
So, I played around with a few samples to see what sound I really wanted for this track – I like to do that often just to catch the vibe. And then I build the track to a workable demo standard to give me a platform to develop upon. Then melodies just flow really easily. I love writing but sometimes I feel like I’m great at writing 4 bars but to finish a song takes me time, I’ve got to sit and analyse the song sometimes. Or even really get into the zone with what I want it to be about. Think about past emotions or stories to really help me create something great.
What is your 2022 looking like, what are your hopes and dreams, do you have any exciting plans, new releases, tours or gigs.
I had such a buzzing feeling after my EP launch, it was just pure magic! I definitely want to carry on gigging at venues and festivals and branching out a bit to get my name out there. Plus, I’ve got plenty releases in the pipeline and offers of more collabs… I can’t wait to share the music with you all!
Can you give us a classic track, something that has inspired you or simply one you love and never get sick of listening to.
‘Used to love him’ by Lauryn Hill!!! It was the first song I heard on CD and I was like ‘waaaat’, I wanna make music like this.
Can you recommend any new music, something that you’ve just discovered or are just really digging at the moment.
So many up & coming artist that are so hot right now — obsessed with my girl STRAMA, check her out ! Her new song ‘Cycle’ is a BOP.
Do you think playlists are important, what types do you enjoy, in your opinion, what’s the future of the playlist.
I think playlists are hella important! No one is ever in one mood — and you need certain music for different moods.. Like I gotta have a good jamming playlist on when im cleaning my house but it can’t be the same vibe if im feeling sad and blue.. you get me?
How do you prefer your music to be heard, streams, downloads or physical product sold. Why?
Right now, I love listening to radio and I like the way how it can showcase really cool artists. It’s totally humbling being played on radio and people reaching out saying they’ve found you and your music.. that hits me. Mad props to all the presenters who’ve played ‘Erykah U Bad’ since the release date – grateful.
How do you connect with your audience, email, social media, PR firms.
My audience is made up of people who’ve been following me on my socials and word of mouth. I recently had gigs at Elsewhere in Margate and Paper Dress Vintage and the crowd were immense. I love vibing with them and feeling their love for my music. I try my best on my socials to engage as often as I can. Your supporters are everything.
What’s the best way a fan could help you today if they had just ten minutes to spare.
I have people messaging me via the socials saying how they love my music. I’m so grateful for them listening to my music and sharing it with others they think need to hear it! Like if yo’ momma need to hear it, show her sweetie! Share the love!
What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your career in music.
I’ve literally had every job in the world and can’t do anything that’s not creative. I always fall back to music, its in my blood. But I love creating whether that be photography, filming or putting together a show. I’ve been told I’ve got a very good creative eye.
Erykah U Bad on Bandcamp
*promo write up from Jo at Ramrock Records