There’s music on this list that’s there to help production – to provide an energetic accompaniment to your writing or typing – the tracks are not terribly reflective – they’re there to help an existing idea manifest.
But what if you don’t have the idea? What if your muscle memory is all warmed up and ready to go but nothing’s coming out? How do you write your essay then?
It’s when I’m in this space – perhaps the most frustrating space of all – that I reach for tracks like Adenine’s Smirr. While I’m sure the ideation process is different for everyone – and I know from my own experience that different ones work at different times (and who knows which one will work when you need it!) – but there’s something about stillness that I always come back to.
You see – I like the idea that we’re not the be-all and end-all of everything – that there’s some other weird and magical stuff going on out there – that we’re susceptible to external influence – if we let it in. And no – I don’t subscribe to any particular pantheon or construct – I like to keep my fantasy imaginings purposefully vague and personal, but – I do know one thing:
The best way to facilitate this “imaginary” input – is to be still – to be calm – to reduce input and artificial stimuli – to clear one’s mind and become receptive.
Being outside is great – being in the Highlands of Scotland in a light rain is even better – standing on a stone bridge over a running burn just before dusk – wrapped up warm & listening as raindrops hit your waterproof and bounce into the future…
…and time stops – the hairs on the back of your neck rise up and there’s an overwhelming sense of – I don’t know what to call it, but – it’s like a blend of peace and oneness, being connected and isolated, full and empty, all at the same time – it’s as if the universe is washing you clean and preparing you for something new.
At least – that’s how it works for me 🙂
If you’re looking for an idea – I highly recommend this track, it’s well worth taking out for a spin.