Two of Wands
Expectations – Katie Pruitt
Andrew writes: I like this card – certainly apropos to start a list with. That feeling at the beginning where anything is possible, the good, the bad – the knowledge that you have the power to create – and that you will – that a journey lies ahead and it’s going to be hella interesting!
I’ve gone with Expectations as I think it fits really nicely with the perspective of the card – although Katie’s clearly out of a funk – there’s something powerful about standing at the top of the mountain and knowing that – actually there is a big world out there and the opportunities are endless – and sure – the good the bad – the riches and tribulations but – we have the power to enter into it and make it our own. No matter how it turns out – it’s surely worth it to try.
Five of Cups
Brick- Ben Folds Five
Phoenix writes: Five of cups is a depressing card to me. It symbolizes depression, despair, letting go of things to bring in new things. Loss in love, business, isolation, emotional upset…everything bad you can think of. Kind of ironic I pulled this card, because I have felt like this most of my life, but I have learned that in order to bring in new things you have to let go..whether that is people or things, it has to be done. I chose Brick by Ben Folds Five as the song to represent the card. If you listen to the lyrics you can really feel the depression and despair the guy is singing about.
Knight of Pentacles
Sister Christian – Night Ranger
I mean – Five of Cups – I hear you sister – that shit’s tough. Ben Fold’s fabulously depressing Brick is pretty much the perfect track for that card – I remember hearing it and initially thinking – what a beautiful song – and then listening again and thinking – bloody hell – how dark and unredeeming is that!?
The Knight of Pentacles is a great card to pull after the 5 of Cups – life is shit at times – it just is – but when you’re going through hell – the only thing to do is keep going. And that’s where my friendly Knight comes in – he knows it’s about the work – about staying the course – it may not be terribly “sexy” but oftentime it’s about putting your head down and getting it done. Night Ranger is a perfect match for our dark Knight and Sister Christian is all the encouragement you need to get… – wait for it… – MOTORING!
The High Priestess (reversed)
The Sound of Silence – Disturbed
So many different meanings with The High Priestess card. I don’t know why I am drawing all the depressing cards lol…anyway I focused on the silent aspect of the card. Sometimes silence can be a good thing, sometimes not. It depends on the situation. The song, everytime I hear it, gives me chills and goosebumps. I have always referred to this version as the song of 9/11. They played it all the time with the scenes from Ground Zero. Very impactful and powerful. From what I understand right after the towers collapsed the sound of silence was deafening.
The Magician
The Spirit of Radio – Rush
I laughed out loud on the draw – I mean – what card would you want after a reversed High Priestess?! Well here he is – your Magician – bringing the resources required to meet the challenge of the moment.
We’re currently doing the work for the vision and mission for the musicto Foundation. I’m finding myself reflecting on the nature of duality, collaboration and equality while at the same time looking at the world’s current obsessions with self, zero-sum games and fascist leadership. It’s as if we’ve forgotten that when it comes to humanity, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
I love how the previous 4 cards have played out – regardless of who was pulling what – having someone who has your back – who you trust and whose back you have in turn – doesn’t that just make us stronger?
I went with Rush’s classic for a number of reasons – not least because they share a similar lyric which meant I’ve always had a connection between the two tracks – but also because the underlying message of the track is another condemnation of the pursuit of mammon.
That music – this magical music – this thing that delivers:
“Emotional feedback on a timeless wavelengthBearing a gift beyond price”
can be perverted by the need to make so much damn money – it’s just so depressing.
The Magician is here to remind us that there’s more to life than this. I’m very grateful to see him.
The Magician
You Can Do Magic- America
I also drew The Magician…lol My take on the card is manifesting desires. You truly can have anything you want if you believe. I chose the song to represent the card because l, well if you believe you can have anything you desire. I really had a hard time figuring out what song to pick. There are so many different meanings to the card. I also like how it can symbolize the spiritual and material word coming together. So that’s my card for this pick.
You Get What you Give – New Radicals
I pulled Judgment on the first tarot list we did as a community in 2023 – back then I wasn’t quite as “up” as I am today, so for a card that evokes the idea of state change I’d chosen a track that looked at what was being left behind. Today however, I’m all about what’s ahead.
I resonate deeply with this card – and with this track as I did go through a massive state change at the start of my fourth decade. It was literally a profound awakening that compelled me to reflect deeply, take responsibility, shed old patterns, and be reborn into a new state of awareness and higher calling in life, leaving past mistakes behind. I know – it sounds a bit grandiose but that was my experience. Oh it took several years – it’s still ongoing – but the difference between who I am and what I was is – well, yeah. This song was the soundtrack of that change.
King of Wands
Get Up, Stand Up- Bob Marley
I changed up the deck I am using to the Mystic Gnome Tarot. It is really cute. The King of Wands represents leadership, being talkative, Successful, and wisdom.
Lots of times being a leader means standing up for what you and your team believes. A good leader will take all comments, and make something that everyone can believe in. Even if the end product stirs people up.
Bob Marley’s Stand Up, Get Up is the song I chose to go with. This song always stirs something in me that makes me wanna take on the world. Hopefully it does. The same for you.
The Tower
Firestarter – The Prodigy
Oh lovely, The Tower—the scariest card in the deck. So what does it mean? Everything bad: calamity, deception, ruin—just straight-up catastrophe. There are so many songs that could fit this vibe, but the one that comes to mind is “Firestarter” by The Prodigy.
It’s just brutal. The whole track—sonically—just punches you in the face. The thing about The Tower is that it’s often driven by something internal. There’s a lyric in there:” I’m the self-inflicted mind detonator. I’m the one infected, a twisted animator.”
And that’s it with Tarot, the cards give you insight. Getting The Tower in a reading usually means some heavy shit is coming your way, and you’re going to have to deal with it. And you know, nine times out of ten, it’s because there’s some internal stuff you need to confront. It’s going to be explosive, it’s going to tear your life apart, and you’re going to come hurtling out of that burning tower—maybe separated from your spouse—but you know what? You’re the one who started the fire in the first place. So yeah…
Page of Pentacles
Mother Nature’s Son – The Beatles
Good news in earthly matters, solid beginnings, setting goals, developing a plan, laying the foundations, taking advantage of opportunities, jumping in, consistency, excellent prospects, excelling in or seeking education/ training, ambitions, decide what you want and go for it, grounded young person, loyal, faithful, dependable, healthy lifestyle, Tarot/ divination, earth magic, nature. For the song I chose Mother Nature’s Son by The Beatles. LIstening to this song just takes me outside, sitting by the lake, soaking up the sun, and being happy. Kind of a calm, flowing song that fits the earthly vibe. The song was written when the Beatles were in India studying with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
The song is just a masterpiece.
Nine of Wands
A Real Hero – College, Electric Youth
A weary dude stands on his staff – 8 more are arrayed behind him in order and symmetry. The card signifies strength in opposition. If attacked, this guy’s gonna face the onslaught not just with bravery but with strength – this guy kicks ass.
My head immediately went to College’s A Real Hero from the Drive soundtrack – though I suspect Ryan Gosling’s character is a little more psychotic than the card intends. Sociopaths and psychopaths behave in ways that others might perceive as brave and courageous and yet – how courageous is it to act if you’re never scared ‘cos you don’t have the emotional capacity to feel.
What I love about this track is that it acknowledges what it means to be human – to be a real human – to have all the complexities of emotions – to experience fear and still show up. Courage is about being scared and yet showing up anyway.
The track was written for airline captain Chesley Sullenberger after the US Airways Flight 1549 water landing incident. Dude’s probably got the 9 of wands tattooed on him somewhere ;-p
Two of Cups
It Must Be Love – Madness
My favorite card in the deck! 2 of Cups is the love card. It also means union, new romance, partnerships and passion. There are so many songs that I could pick for this. After some deliberation and thinking back, I chose It Must Be Love by Madness. Growing up in the 80s was the best time! We had the best music, toys, you name it. It was just happy times all around. Not a care in the world. Madness were not really known in the USA until Our House was a hit. So this song’s just happiness. Thinking back, listening to the radio thinking about the love or crush you had while this song was playing. The best memories and feelings were had during this time. Simple, sweet, and heartfelt! I dare you not to smile when listening.
Eight of Swords
Free Yourself – Jesse Ware
Life is just nuts isn’t it?! We’re coming out of It Must Be Love – a perfect accompaniment to the 2 of cups and what do I pull? The bloody 8 of swords! Suddenly I’m not feeling too confident about the long term prospects of the couple in the previous card! Except, if you look closely, the swords aren’t actually bloody – and if you look closer still, you’ll see they don’t even hem her in – in fact the cloth that binds her is loose and hanging down and – hang on – she could totally get out of this – what’s going on?
If you want a card to kick you up the arse and get you out of your head – the 8 of Swords is your friend. And while it might initially be a bit scary it can be one of the most compelling cards in the deck. Add Jesse Ware’s pumping soundtrack and fervent encouragement and you have everything you need to change your life! Free Yourself – Hell yes!!
Two of Wands
Adventure of a Lifetime – Coldplay
2 of wands can mean adventures, waiting, new relationships. Adventures, everyone well almost everyone loves to have them. Luckily, I was able to go on quite a few. My top favorites were Lake Placid, NY last winter, and a 10 day epic adventure for my birthday in New Orleans when I turned 38. The excitement of these adventures was just off the charts. All these new places to check out, right? The fun we had getting there, stopping and checking out new food places, sights and sounds. I am really missing the excitement right now. Adventure of a Lifetime, gave me that feeling that I am about to embark on something big! Hopefully sooner than later! Onto the next adventure!!
Ten of Wands
Carry That Weight – The Beatles
I love making these Tarot playlists – seeing the connection between a track and the card’s meaning can often be opaque on first glance, it’s only after reading the context and the story from the curator that it all comes together and makes perfect sense. It’s been a while since I’ve been in New Orleans and Lindsay’s two of wands is giving me itchy feet to get back there.
But when it comes to the ten of wands – well – sometimes you have to hit it right on the nose. The card’s typical interpretation is that of a person taking on too much and being overwhelmed by the load. The card can be spun in both positive and not so positive ways, though you really don’t want to get this when you’re in a lawsuit! My mind immediately went to The Beatles classic (nothing wrong with two Beatles tracks on a playlist ;-p) – unless you change things up, yep – you’re going to carry that weight – but hey – remember – you always have the choice to put it down and you’re a lot closer to your destination than you think!
Six of Swords (reversed)
Hey Hey Hey – Michael Franti & Spearhead
When you get the Six of Swords reversed in a reading, it exhorts you to face your problems head-on and find creative ways to solve them. Any progress you might be making is always hampered by unresolved problems from the past. You will just be unable to move forward until you stop dwelling on the past. The Six of Swords reversed interpretation reveals that you are having trouble getting past disputes and stress. Anyway, it is also an indication to stay positive, and grow stronger, mentally.
I have been a fan of Michael Franti for a long while, especially the song Say Hey(I Love You). There seems to be a theme with the word Hey in the titles lol. Anyway, his song reminds us that hard times will get better, stop dwelling and move forward. Good things are to come, don’t give up!
Eight of Wands
How Bizarre – OMC
How Bizarre, huh?! ;-p I’m loving the groove of the Michael Franti track – and his overall groove – what a cool dude – interesting to have this attached to a reversed Six of Swords – ‘cos yeah – it’s exactly where I am – where I have been for months – like – so totally fucking stuck that no matter what i try and do it’s like trekking through treacle to get shit done.
And so obviously I would pull the 8 of wands – is there another card that means “movement” more? If I was looking for a sign from the universe that it was time to step things up – well – this list couldn’t have come at a better time. I’m rolling into the end of a difficult year – there is still one huge unresolved challenge to solve but that will be addressed one way or another in the coming months – kinda terrifying sure but – also kinda relieving.
The sheer number of Wands cards drawn for this list would indicate that there’s a lot of energy here – so long as I can embrace the momentum and not get burned out – the future could be bizarrely good!
Queen Of Cups (reversed)
Jealousy – Queen
I have to comment on your song choice cause man did it bring me some memories. When I was on externship from culinary school, working at the Grand Canyon this was kinda my theme song. It was just so surreal being in the desert and just thinking this is so crazy going from a small town in Pennsylvania to be working and living in one of the 7 Natural Wonders was just mind blowing, especially for an 19 year old kid who was in a way never away from home. I’m sure you can imagine right?
Anyway the card that chose me was the Queen of Cups Reversed.A reversed Queen of Cups in tarot signifies emotional immaturity, insecurity, and a lack of trust in oneself or others; it can indicate being overly sensitive, clingy, or manipulative in relationships, potentially leading to unhealthy emotional dependence and a need to set better boundaries. My card says emotional blackmail, jealousy, and being unfaithful. Being a huge Queen fan Jealousy jumped right out at me.
Oh jealousy you tripped me up
Jealousy you brought me down
You bring me sorrow you cause me pain
Jealousy when will you let go?
Gotta hold of my possessive mind
Turned me into a jealous guy
Yes, being jealous can be a bad thing. It ruins relationships and friendships. Can turn you into a very unlikeable person. If you don’t experience it in your life, then you are very lucky.
Six of Pentacles
Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) – Sly & The Family Stone
It has been such an amazing experience – making this list. As a child I was terrified of the Tarot – even as a young adult – and yet – there’s nothing like age and experience to change one’s perspective – and maybe it’s precisely because I was so affected by it when I was younger – I can now draw positively from it as a man?! Who knows – I might be high ;-p
I’m so grateful to you Lindsay as a collaborative partner – to work with someone who shows up and draws and creates – creates something to collaborate with – it is my favorite thing to do – thank you ;-p
So – to my card – the 6 of Pentacles.
I mean – I know connection comes in hindsight but – it does kinda feel like the deck is playing with me – in a good way – playfully and in fun ;-p And yes – I’m so here for it.
To give – to receive – both are wondrous things and yet both have a dark side. To give with expectation is a slippery slope – to receive without awareness – the same. I am born with privilege – have been gifted the role of the giver – and what a role it is – to feel the gratitude – to receive thanks – to distribute largesse and be showered in the gratefulness of humankind makes Heroin look like an aspirin.
To receive – to accept – when you’re supposed to give and yet you need to receive – that’s what fucks you up. The way the mind interprets it is – you’re not capable enough – you’re not good enough – you have failed – you are a failure. If you need to receive – by your very nature – you’re wrong – bad – a failure – a disgrace to the givers – a weak and ultimately irrelevant life.
And it manifests as shame. Shame. The most pernicious of human emotions. To be gifted – to be a giver – to be in a position where you need – you need – to receive – is shameful. That’s what we tell ourselves. That’s what we agree on. I don’t know why I’m writing we – that’s what I think – to receive is weak – is failing – is – just not good enough
The track I’m choosing is the one that teaches me that it is OK to receive – that it is ok to accept help – to accept help without shame – to accept that I am not omnipotent – that I am not immune to being human – but – fuck it – it still doesn’t feel good ;-p
The point is:
To accept help with humility
To accept help without shame
To not be a dick
To just say – thank you.
The Empress
Mother – Pink Floyd
She is connected to the Earth element, emphasizing her grounding, life-giving qualities, and her role in the physical, material aspects of life. Numerologically, the Empress corresponds to the number three, signifying creativity, growth, and expansion, embodying synthesis and harmony. Fruitfulness, action, initiative, length of days; the unknown, clandestine; also difficulty, doubt, ignorance.
I think this song is a great companion to this card. I can remember I was in 8th grade and a friend of mine gave me the soundtrack to The Wall. I was blown away even more so when I found out there was a movie too. I didn’t understand the movie til I was older and under the influence of a certain substance, if you know you know. The Empress, while mostly positive, does have a darker side, which the song also shows. Definitely a shout out to the Earth Signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
The Tower (reversed)
Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want – The Smiths
Oh great – again – my last card of the playlist, and I pulled The Tower. Thankfully it’s reversed, though, to be fair, a reversed Tower isn’t exactly wonderful. But you know what? It’s probably the most relevant card for where I’m at. Change is coming. Change has been needed for a long time now – we’re talking years, not months – and yeah – if the reversed Tower is about resisting change, feeling trapped in cycles of disappointment, wondering if things will ever break your way – then yeah, you could say I’m in that space. So maybe it’s the perfect card for me.
But you know what? It’s not full-on devastation like the upright Tower—the full lightning-strike chaos of sudden disaster. What’s been built doesn’t need to be destroyed – just modified – and I’m cool with that – I still believe in it, still need it, still want it, so Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want.
Ten of Cups
Celebration by Kool & The Gang
Crazy how the Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want is so relevant in everyday things. I am often saying this to myself everyday in some form or another. I just realized a few months ago that this was the song playing in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off when they were in the museum.
The divinatory message is evident in this image, in that it represents fortunate marriage, contentment of the heart, and the perfection of human love and friendship. It can also refer to the town or country where the querent lives. This is one of the most positive cards in the entire Tarot deck
As soon as I drew my card the 10 of Cups almost immediately I had a song in mind. Celebration by Kool & the Gang. It’s a very happy song and perfectly describes the card. Not only is the song played alot at weddings, I have never seen anyone sad when they played it. It makes you think of all the happy times. It just makes you wanna get up and dance. It’s the perfect ending for this playlist. You will get what you want and it will make you wanna celebrate again!
Track Listing
- Expectations – Katie Pruitt
- Brick – Ben Folds Five
- Sister Christian – Night Ranger
- The Sound of Silence – Disturbed
- The Spirit Of Radio – Rush
- You Can Do Magic – America
- You Get What You Give – New Radicals
- Get Up, Stand Up – The Wailers
- Firestarter – The Prodigy
- Mother Nature’s Son (Remastered 2009) – The Beatles
- A Real Hero (feat. Electric Youth) – College
- It Must Be Love – Madness
- Free Yourself – Jessie Ware
- Adventure of a Lifetime – Coldplay
- Carry That Weight (Remastered 2009) – The Beatles
- Hey Hey Hey – Michael Franti & Spearhead
- How Bizarre – OMC
- Jealousy (Remastered 2011) – Queen
- Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) (Single Version) – Sly & The Family Stone
- Mother – Pink Floyd
- Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want (2011 Remaster) – The Smiths
- Celebration – Kool & The Gang
Playlist image by Lindsay
About the Curators
Hi, I’m Phoenix and I love to share my passion for music with others. I have been creating playlists since I was a kid, when I used to make mix tapes for my friends and family. Now, I use my skills and experience to craft playlists for various occasions, moods, and themes. Whether you need some upbeat tunes to get you through the day, some relaxing melodies to unwind at night, or some eclectic sounds to spice up your life, I have a playlist for you. I also enjoy discovering new music. I listen to all kinds of music, from pop to rock, from jazz to hip hop, from classical to electronic. I believe that music is a universal language that can connect people across cultures and backgrounds. That’s why I always try to include songs from different countries and regions in my playlists. My goal is to create playlists that are diverse, engaging, and enjoyable for everyone. I hope you enjoy my playlists as much as I enjoy making them. Thank you for your support!
Andrew McCluskey
The first visual memory I have is that of the white upright piano in Singapore, Hell and the Dark Forces lived at the bottom, Heaven and the Angels at the top, they would play battles through my fingers and I was hooked.
As a psychology graduate I studied how sound affects human performance.
As a musician I compose instrumental music that stimulates your brain but doesn't mess with your language centers, leaving you free to be creative and brilliant without distraction.
As a curator I research how music can improve your life and create flow - I can tell you what music to listen to when studying for a test and why listening to sad music can make you feel better.
As a creator / contributor at musicto I’m part of a global creator community that collaborates through music. You can learn more about our community here.