68 Search Results for Tag: Introspection

Tomo.Me – One of Them

Take mental notes on what makes you feel bad and how you’re approaching your feelings.

Youniverse – Machinedrum

Timing is key to experiencing the best things, the thing is we can’t control timing so be open and enjoy as long as it lasts.

Dusk Approaches – Locutus Doulus

Focus on what will be better for you in the long run.

[take1]- Brainwaltzera

Getting out of the comfort zone is challenging, but you can get used to it.

Chatter – Lusine

Get out of your mind and determine if you’re having a healthy experience.

End-Curve of Forgetting – CFCF

Take it easy, don’t be hasty, as good change takes time.

Avalon – Sigur Rós

Loneliness can be dangerous in the long run.

Send and Receive – Tycho

The right words will take you to a better state of mind.

Not Yours To Know – Bvdub

These situations really help me put thing in perspective or simply make me think about even more possibilities for my life to develop differently.

Cumulonimbus Dream – Masayoshi Fujita

The first step to mental freedom is to recognize the rusty links in our mind chain.

Who’s In Charge – Dmytro Tytarchuk

It takes a punch to realize something and a lifetime to accept it.

The Cassette – Monodogue & Torstein Nipe

The tiniest amount of luck can save us from seeing the reality of things by putting us in the midst of our comfort zone.