How often do you find yourself overwhelmed by feelings?, now how often do you take the time to step back and analyse what’s going on inside your head?
It’s easy for humans to take the emotional freeride and go places that’ll make you feel worse/better and that should be tread with care because freerides can take you to bad expectations.
I’m definitely not saying that you should take the long and difficult path, just be wary of what you’re feeling and why/how you’re feeling it. Sometimes our joy has a malicious origin, it may had not been necessarily on purpose but remember that many times it takes two minds to determine what’s good and what’s bad.
Maybe what’s filling you with joy is at the same time crushing someone else’s feelings, or maybe you’re just being taken by the freeride that could later on get you used to having certain expectations.
My suggestion is to, whatever you’re feeling, get out of your mind and have a look at the origin of certain feelings that are keeping you uneasy and determine if you’re having a healthy experience.
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