Have you ever discovered a plot hole in the story of your life?, maybe some big enigma you’ve never really found a reason for and it keeps getting in the way. Not that you can’t do certain things because of it (can it?, I hope not) yet whenever you least expect it this weird situation will make itself present.
Is there a situation or recurrent event that came to your mind?, how many memories can you fetch regarding that particular set of events?
Call it luck because it can certainly be it; the probability of some extraordinary thing happening only to you and/or a handful of people in their own given way. The probability of continuously experiencing a drift or drop in your life-flow that may turn things interesting or inconvenient.
These situations really help me put thing in perspective or simply make me think about even more possibilities for my life to develop differently, for example the explanation of destiny or the theory of simulations. We probably won’t know until it’s too late to do something about it, until then try to keep your head up and your wits about you.
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