Mar writes:
This collection of songs was compiled from the experiences of living through many life stages and emotional states, but always with a positive outlook and enjoyment of life. Each song on this list is a small gift that will lift your spirits.
Andrew writes:
It’s been a while since Mar and I made the list and before we published, I wanted to spend some time with it – it’s a really lovely listen 🙂
There’s a definite journey you go on – from the gentle opening to the more familiar pop / rock tracks, the list then morphs into a more energetic motivator before settling into the beautiful reflection that only acts like Jeff Buckley, Amos Lee and the National can deliver. Dipping our toes into Spanish and French language tracks along the way, it feels like a good reflection of the journeys both Mar and I have been on – we hope you enjoy.
Playlist image by Erick Butler on Unsplash
About the Curators
Born in Spain a citizen of the world.
Andrew McCluskey
The first visual memory I have is that of the white upright piano in Singapore, Hell and the Dark Forces lived at the bottom, Heaven and the Angels at the top, they would play battles through my fingers and I was hooked.
As a psychology graduate I studied how sound affects human performance.
As a musician I compose instrumental music that stimulates your brain but doesn't mess with your language centers, leaving you free to be creative and brilliant without distraction.
As a curator I research how music can improve your life and create flow - I can tell you what music to listen to when studying for a test and why listening to sad music can make you feel better.
As a creator / contributor at musicto I’m part of a global creator community that collaborates through music. You can learn more about our community here.