Andrew: Hello beautiful people – let’s make a list!!!!!! 🙂. What about a list that has a California theme? Basically anything that reminds of us California – something we did in California – could be the loosest association but so long as it resonates – it’s good to go. Let’s do it in threes, like a mini set – three tracks that tell a particular story to us. What do we think?
Molly: I’m in! Love California theme!
Maria: Absolutely love it! Ready when you are 🤠
…If You See California – Chris Robinson & The New Earth Mud
Summertime Thing – Chuck Prophet
Andrew: So – I have the first three tracks – I know why I have them, I just can’t articulate that right now,
I have tried, it didn’t make much sense.
tldr; California’s amazing ;-p
California Stars – Billy Bragg
California One / Youth and Beauty Brigade – The Decemberists
Molly: Andrew! Listening to your tracks now, love them, never heard them before. I’ve added my three songs:
This song didn’t even dawn on me until I was looking at the lyrics of Andrew’s 3rd song, mentioning the Beach Boys. And then of course I had to add Surfin’ Safari. Every time I hear this song I have so much pride because they mention Redondo Beach, my hometown! Here in the South Bay there’s such a rich surfing culture and many of the legends of surf came out of here. In fact, one lives up the block from me! Next up is Billy Bragg and Wilco’s, California Stars. I love the toe tapping beat, the twang of the guitar, makes me want to lay outside at night in the desert and look up at the stars. My 3rd song is California One / Youth and Beauty Brigade by The Decemberists. Found this one from back in the day in my iTunes library. It reminds me of one of my best friends, she loves the Decemberists. Also brings me back to one of my favorite pastimes of driving along the coast from Redondo to Hermosa to Manhattan Beach and those long ago drives to Malibu on Pacific Coast Highway.
Feeling In Time – Spirit
The Change – Death
Maria: Wow I am loving this. I also haven’t heard most of these except for the beach boys of course hehe. I love California Stars and really loved The Decemberists – it reminded me a little of Fleet Foxes with the dynamic nature in the movement of the song. My dad grew up in Woodland hills and was very involved in the surf culture – hence the move out to Hawai’i. I have grown up with an admiration of all the longboarding spots in California – the style I am most drawn to and will become awesome at as I have been making my return to the water. I have this vision of myself many moments from now with long grey hair dancing along a longboard laughing and loving every bit of it haha. Thank you for the wonderful reminder !
I have been going on a loooooooong trip through all the songs that joined me in my many years of having the honor to live and explore all along the edges of California. California symbolizes deep rooted freedom for me and the magnificent gift of untamed exploration. I will be writing a poem for each 3 songs I share. Here is the first one. These three brought me along to the merging of road trips I took over the years living there. I always took the windy and precarious side roads and can return so vividly to the sensations of joy and wonder of everything that passed me by. So jazzed for all that is arising on our way through this! Give California the biggest cuddle from me 🥰
every song enters as a wide bend on the road of forgiveness
there is a lonely soul inhabiting the seat beside me
freedom sits behind us
windows open
hands drawing clouds onto the flying sky
hands like a kite through the sun roof
i am smiling
i am laughing
i am crying
i am howling
i am alone and I am not and I am everything and everyone
i am the song you always take with you along the wide bend on the road of forgiveness
Fall in Love with CA – Coed Pageant
West Coast Mama – Deren Ney
Andrew: Well – that took me back 5 decades – to the Laurel Canyon of the 60’s (not that I was there but I’ve been there in my mind!!!) driving to the beach with the top down – dancing crazily on the beach followed by a an impromptu jam session back at the shack – you could say it was a real trip 😛
Of course the ending of The Change did open up options – I thought the long silence created the perfect space for a bit of Californian Singer Songwriter goodness – rolling into another tribute to the state – this time with a little more energy – and then finally finishing with a track that seems massively appropriate for my two playlist partners!
Californication – Red Hot Chili Peppers
West Coast – Lana Del Rey
Molly: Thank you for your poem and glimpse into your Cali/HI surf culture life. I love watching longboards, in particular women as they are so graceful. My fave is when they tiptoe up and down the board. Your West Coast Mama def brought a smile to my face. I’m a loud and proud west coast mama. I went with Golden by MMJ because we are the Golden State, not that this song has anything to do with California, but I love the lyrics and the vocals. Californication was an obvious choice based on the song title. RHCP have been creeping into my listening again lately, I think because they were just on tour here. And then I chose Lana Del Rey cuz I think she just has a badass vibe to her. I adore the drums on this track and her lyrics are spot on.
California Coastin’ – Beatchild
California Sutra #2 – Nadi Qamar
Maria: Hey cutie pies! Back at it with Tommy Guerrero headin’ west! I have been obsessing over Tommy for quite some time. He is one of those humans that has followed such an eclectic life – formed in the hills of San Francisco as a pro skater. He always created music as a skater and is probably one of my most listened to creators. Next I chose another instrumental I took along many many road trips – this song had a mind of its own usually appearing as I entered a back road smothered with redwoods and fields of oaks. The last song is an African instrumental that I discovered while living in Berkeley and it is something I will play on repeat from time to time as a reminder to be gentle with myself as the movement of the song weaves itself lightly through everything. Take care and jazzed to hear what will come through next!
The second round poem…
am I the burden giver
i heard the crows say so
am I the bold brown mountain
the one I keep looking for
am I the golden river
the light I can’t seem to form
where mountain fog is a deeper hue of mysticism
conversations are common with the sun and the wind and the stones
am I the burden giver
the one who won’t let go
so I become alive
i become
the crow
the bold brown mountain
the golden river
the mountain fog
the sun
the wind
the stones
East of Lincoln – Tom Freund
Here’s Looking at You Kid – Brett Dennen
Andrew: You know, for someone who’s normally overly garrulous when it comes to playlist descriptions, I find myself at somewhat of a loss for this list. I am loving the insights from Maria and Molly and it’s not that I don’t love the tracks – I guess sometimes the music can speak for itself.
Now – with that said – California has been myhome for 25 years now and I absolutely adore it. There’s something about coming over the Grape Vine and having the valley laid out in front of you – the hustle of LA and the sleepy streets of hidden Venice – all leading to my own personal Daze!
West Coast – Coconut Records
Straight Outta Compton – N.W.A.
Molly: I’m digging the groovy intro of Heading West, that guitar has a tinge of classic 60’s surf music creeping in. Love that you went full instrumental with this trio and adore your poem. Love your 3 tracks! Tom Freund’s voice is quite comforting to me and I just read he played with Graham Parker in This is 40. Such a classic movie! This led me to think about the show Entourage which primarily took place in California and always had such awesome music interwoven in each episode. I went with California Waiting from Kings of Leon, I dig any song of theirs, especially Your Sex Is On Fire. Next, I went with West Coast by Coconut Records simply ‘cuz the West Coast is the best coast for liiiiiiiife. Speaking of West Coast, finally went with good old NWA Straight Outta Compton, totally inappropriate lyrics, but this music was part of my middle school soundtrack growing up in L.A.. Now, every time I go to this local Vietnamese restaurant here in Redondo they are always playing NWA and I absolutely love it and unabashedly bounce in my seat to the tunes. I think Maria is up for the final and then we work on publishing this California mother!!
Chill Out – Yoni Arbel
Great White Plains – Nat Lefkoff
Maria: Yeehaw – that Coconut Records song was so nostalgic! Little 16 year old Maria was all about it. I wanted to end our collaboration with the gratitude I have for the way in which California shaped me. California became the place that allowed for my richest and most significant connections to unfold with the creators of these song stories. Growing up on an island – the diversity of live music was limited and it wasn’t until I landed in California that I was able to experience the true connectivity that music cultivates in real time. I was honored to support and give in person love to each one of these artists we end the playlist with. They each embody the diversity that California so beautifully allows for. I am forever thankful to the land and the people within it that held me as I cocooned and cocooned again and again into the being that I now am.
i once drove from tree cities to river towns in a car that ran on love and songs and my howls
i still drive around with a car that runs on love and sound but my howls have become whimpers
and my love is running on empty
and the sounds are coming through with a crackling
and i’m tired of driving around with my sunburnt shadow
an overwhelming passenger
along with my harpooned heart and my grieving gut holding my hands through the peeling steering wheel
what has this driving around really shown me
is it that only I can steer my life
that love can be filled up again and again and again
that my voice alone can whimper and howl and crack and still be as loud as my silence
i no longer drive from tree cities to river towns
i left the car with my love filled up fully
my songs playing loudly
my sunburnt shadow my harpooned heart and my grieving gut like dried flowers i gathered up
all of me left at the last river town
ready to be driven by someone else to the next one
a place with more love
with more songs
with howls that reach further than your own lungs
with your sunburnt shadow your harpooned heart and your grieving gut held and celebrated and loved exactly as you’ve shown up
Track Listing
- California – The National Reserve
- …If You See California – Chris Robinson & The New Earth Mud
- Summertime Thing – Chuck Prophet
- Surfin’ Safari – The Beach Boys
- California Stars – Billy Bragg
- California One / Youth and Beauty Brigade – The Decemberists
- The Company – Sam Prekop
- Feeling In Time – Spirit
- The Change – Death
- California – Melaena Cadiz
- Fall in Love with CA – Coed Pageant
- West Coast Mama – Deren Ney
- Golden – My Morning Jacket
- Californication – Red Hot Chili Peppers
- West Coast – Lana Del Rey
- Headin West (Bonus Track) – Tommy Guerrero
- California Coastin’ – Beatchild
- California Sutra #2 – Nadi Qamar
- California Daze – Peace
- East of Lincoln – Tom Freund
- Here’s Looking at You Kid – Brett Dennen
- California Waiting – Kings of Leon
- West Coast – Coconut Records
- Straight Outta Compton – N.W.A.
- OMW 2 SF (Demo) – Isaiah Mostafa
- Chill Out – Yoni Arbel
- Great White Plains – Nat Lefkoff
Playlist image by Maria in Joshua Tree, CA
About the Curators
Molly Taylor
I was born and raised in Southern California. My first musical memories were listening to Donna Summers records in my living room on repeat and plunking out Heart and Soul on our untuned piano. Flash forward to the age of iPods where my friends and I would create massive playlists for every occasion in our carefree lives. I still treasure these playlists and always have a big smile when I hear them. After a long career of teaching elementary school I took a hiatus to raise my family and now work as a digital marketer, which led me to my friendship with Andrew who became my valued mentor. I have a great love of music simply because it moves my soul. If you're looking for help with your digital presence - you can learn more about my marketing business here. Happy listening!