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You’re part of a mining colony and have been inhabiting a moon in the outskirts of Andromeda for the last 19 years, which is a lot of time because normally after 5-7 years there’s nothing more to extract from the moon or dwarf planet you colonize but this particular moon has a very different compound mineral to the ones humanity has been used to in the last millennia.
Because of this, over the last 5 years the a group of sectors have been going extra hard at the moon, specially Sector 2-JP Centered-Eastbound Granados 23 who was the first one to get to the core, where the richest compound minerals are.
But working as a miner for the Intergalactic Company of Habitable and Sustainable Geofacilities, Earth Unit is not always as safe as they say. The enterprise is fully equipped to deal with the harshest climates, temperatures, and radiation, but when it comes to mass, out there in the void, there’s nothing they can do. Their equipment can only resist so much without compromising the efficacy of extraction.
This time the problem was Sector 2-JP Centered-Eastbound Granados 23 getting to the core of this moon, which was called “Darambes”, because the continuous mining of its core has destabilized this astronomical body to a point where the whole structure is bound to collapse and crush on it own gravitational force, alongside other explosions and lollygaggings that the machinery and toxic waste will cause.
It’s been several months since the miners first mentioned “the deep hiccup” and felt the first rumblings, and as time went by this phenomena as gotten louder and more violent on its manifestations. For the last couple of days workers and miners alike have been evacuating the moon, leaving everything behind, because it began falling apart.
There has been a lot of casualties and the communication equipment stopped working, and the compound mineral has been releasing magnetics pulses that disabled every kind of machinery. Now everybody is running for their lives before getting crushed into a possible black hole.
There’s only a handful of survivors from Sector 2-JP Centered-Eastbound Granados 23, which are but a few 7 levels under the Evacuation Shipyard, but the short future appears uncertain and survival unlikely. Their only chance is to keep the adrenaline numbing the pain and to follow the sirens, to follow the various levels of alarms that lead to the closest exit. The fright for survival is overflowing.