I’m in a very solo piano mood at the moment – at least when it comes to this playlist. Last week’s Wait by Adam Protz looked at how a skillful player can stretch time to create space for new ideas. This week, no less skillful Sam Gryzwa does something similar by creating the perfect place for them to land.
Think of how you catch a ball – or – if you haven’t caught a ball in a while (!) think about how a pro athlete does. None of them are static in the act of taking the ball under control – the hand or glove is always moving backwards in the same direction as the ball is coming at them. Try and keep your hand still and 9 times out of 10 the ball will pop out, fail!
If you enjoy the idea that ideas are discrete things – moving around the ether waiting to make a connection with someone – then it makes sense (and yes this is my metaphysics so physicists don’t bite me!,) that ideas have energy – have kinetic energy – that indeed they’re moving.
If you’ve gone to the trouble to create space for an idea to land – you may as well create an environment that will facilitate their capture.
To do this – you need movement.
But not too much movement and not too prescriptive – you can’t know in advance what direction an idea is going to come at you.
What you need is the idea of movement, something universal, subtle but persistent, capable of filling the environment and accommodating entry from any direction.
What you need – is Through the Glass by Isle’r
Worth taking out for a spin…
You can learn more about Isle’r here