Bam! It’s the real deal. A soulful, soothing, oscillating song that yet again showcases Mono’s gifted songwriting artistry alongside his bold bass work.
This track is so blazing-hot-fresh you can smell it through your speakers.
Floatin’ upon a booming groove with a devious funk-flavor.
It’s spacey, fresh, sax-loaded goodness.
Lee Fields is the truth and The Expressions are raw funk.
Frazer has a sound that is sweet soul to the utmost. This is a feel good groover of a track.
The latest from #KingButch is a tactful type of funk. The grasp on their own sound is evident.
This is just pure funky, well-written, well-recorded, tasty goodness.
This debut track sways nicely. smei sings unconcerned, but collected. The beat is choice.
Nice bass, nice drums… Heeeeyyyy this is still funk, and I said Jamiroquai was the one in charge of funky through the 90’s when this song is from 1995!… Yes… but… this one has really good guitar riff and it’s John Frusciante so that makes it a special funk!