Street Fighter Mas – Kamasi Washington


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Hedgehog’s Dilemma – Shiro Sagisu

Hedgehog’s Dilemma – Shiro Sagisu

18 November 2021

There’s a large part of me that doesn’t like asking for help. For some reason, saying “I can’t do this alone” has been something that a lot of us have been conditioned to do, and that’s soul-wrenching when you think about it. We’re social creatures, humans. We’re literally built to need help from other people, and there isn’t anything wrong with that.

Everytime We Say Goodbye – John Coltrane

Everytime We Say Goodbye – John Coltrane

25 October 2021

Sometimes it can be hard to let things go. Whether it’s people, relationships, plans, or anything else, letting something go can be one of the most difficult things we as humans do.

Ghost Choir – Louie Zong

Ghost Choir – Louie Zong

27 September 2021

Take a moment. Breathe. I don’t have anything for you to ponder, sometimes you just gotta take a break.

Timothy Neal

Timothy Neal

I'm a 17 year old from Maryland, USA, but i've been around. I'm going to Howard soon to earn a degree in music composition, and plan on being a video game composer. I believe everyone is capable of good, and that the truth is the most important thing we have. There's not enough time to do all I plan to do, and not enough of me to be all I plan to be.