How often do you feel lost?, Is it a burden?, Where do you look for answers?, is it within the words of others?, do you completely agree with most of their words?, are you sure the answer does not lie within you?, how can you be so sure?
This song captures with exquisite accuracy my personal neverending search for answers and a better mindset. It’s a vicious circle of bad feelings, looking for the light, actually managing to find the thinnest lightstroke, and falling back to a dark part of my mind.
Imagine you’re a prisoner and were locked deep down a dark well, the only reasonable way out is up, right?, so you start to climb, wonder “how much longer?”, and instantly feel a sharp and cold bad thought pierce through your back like a Spartan spear, but it doesn’t matter because you’ll keep climbing. Maybe rest every few steps but you’ll keep going slow and steady until the amount of spears on your back is unbearable to keep climbing, so you fall back deeper down the well.
How much deeper will you let yourself fall while looking for the light?