You can learn a lot about yourself through paying attention to what you pay attention to. What do you discount? What do you ignore?
This might not be an easy one, but it’ll be a real one.
Did you know I’ve always loved the rain?
Sometimes, you can’t be productive. That is, the things you put effort into don’t produce results. That’s all that productivity boils down to, right?
When a project reaches a stage of difficulty, as it inevitably will, no matter how swimmingly it’s been going so far, it’s important to remember the process.
The thing is, no one will ever give you permission to be okay in your own skin.
You don’t always have to be happy. But you never have to be miserable.
You enter a paradox of creativity, of knowing that the thing is nowhere near ‘finished’, but not wanting to change anything about the thing because you’re so in love with the iteration