Some sheer unabashed emotional manipulation coming your way this week ;-p Yep – if you’re tired of your apartment’s four walls, let alone your roommate (or child’s) disinclination to shower – then I have a treat for you!..
I just wrote something i’m kinda proud of. Not that I’m a big fan of pride – it being one of the seven deadly sins or so – but – i really had to work at this one – it took me a long time to work out what i wanted to say and – in the process of doing that – it changed me and will change my behavior in the future…
A song best explained in sounds. Sounds that feel almost familiar – but not quite – like a foggy memory…
Don’t be too shocked when I introduce yet another aussie band. You may gasp. I know it’s getting a bit out of hand. At this point my musical garden is beyond fecund with sun kissed flora in the form of Australian born tunes…
You know when you discover a new artist and immediately know you’re going to have a long lustrous love affair with their music? This happened to me recently with Matrick Jones aka Matthew Bilić. Once again my aussie roots grow deeper into my musical garden as this funky fellow hails from Sydney, Australia. Here in the warm shadows I would lovingly like to introduce Matrick Jones, a beam of golden musical light…
My aussie roots seem to be growing into fervent entanglement with some really snazzy australian artists. These roots have wrapped gently around the five-piece band known as Foreign/National. They have been a favorite of mine for quite awhile now and this track in particular keeps me groovin’ even when there is no groove left…