126 Search Results for Tag: Ambient

Pressure Vessels

This is a bit of a mess of a piece. Think of it as a stream of consciousness, an examination of the pieces of thoughts that lie scattered about the ol’ mindscape.

The Ocean – Mindseye

Be wary and note whatever were the circumstances that made you achieve true piece of mind.

Loop For Today – Eitan Reiter

Can you remember how certain songs made you feel?, how do those work now?, how many of those songs have really managed to stay with you until now?

People Eating Fruit – Caribou

Make sure your equilibrium diet involves a lot of good stuff to soothe the darkness, for darkness can also be your friend and help you evolve.

Safe Harbour

I think we all like feeling like we have a sanctuary that we can safely say is ‘ours’, a secure base from which we can derive a sense of consistency and control in spite of all the other uncertainty the world can and will offer us.

The Floating World – Soft Machine

Maybe we should all take a step back and remember the things we enjoyed as a child, for they may hold the secret to a forgotten passion.

Take Your Pants Off -Proem

A lot of people tend to overthink situations, most of the times it’s not worthy to wear yourself out over them.

A Thousand Roads

When I think about what I want in life, it all points toward quite a simple vision really. I think getting this pinned down has been one of the main reasons why I felt so lost throughout my late teens and early twenties.

Alexander Aultman – Salad Days

Time can be on our side, or not. It’s the mindset that matters for you cannot control everything that’s happening around you.

Baja Samba – Monster Rally

You wake up after a heavy thinking night, unsure if what you did/said was good or taken the wrong way. There is nothing else you can do but think of possible scenarios.

Existential Crisis

Since I’m in the middle of trying to figure out how I can incorporate my playlist into my increasingly-elaborate project, I figured I’d simply drop some tracks that I can’t stop listening to at the moment.

B – Torri in Sabina Ambient Remix – Non-Functional Harmony

You know those days where for some god unknown reason you wake up and you just know it’s all going to be shit. And sure – we manifest what we project and all that good mental wellbeing stuff but sometimes – no matter how well I rig my defences and man the battlements with productivity tips and inspirational emails – I fail – and so despair climbs over the parapet like an assassin in a medieval movie and quietly slips its blade into my hope…
