128 Search Results for Tag: Ambient

Existential Crisis

Since I’m in the middle of trying to figure out how I can incorporate my playlist into my increasingly-elaborate project, I figured I’d simply drop some tracks that I can’t stop listening to at the moment.

B – Torri in Sabina Ambient Remix – Non-Functional Harmony

You know those days where for some god unknown reason you wake up and you just know it’s all going to be shit. And sure – we manifest what we project and all that good mental wellbeing stuff but sometimes – no matter how well I rig my defences and man the battlements with productivity tips and inspirational emails – I fail – and so despair climbs over the parapet like an assassin in a medieval movie and quietly slips its blade into my hope…


Enter Shikari — THE GREAT UNKNOWN Album Review

My love for Enter Shikari by no means unconditional, and I certainly don’t love everything they release unquestioningly. It took me a VERY long time to appreciate The Spark, and there isn’t a single album of theirs where I like every single song.


And so we’re leaving our little moon for a New Sky. As Himalia crumbles and falls apart around us, we depart for our new home.

Nightwalk – Spencer Brown

And so I get up, leave my room, head out onto the rooftops. I’ve done this a lot lately. A Nightwalk to calm my troubled soul.

Amnésie – Nhyx

‘What a lot of people forget is that Zephra has done this before…’

Linked – Bonobo

This vast lake, tranquil beneath a terminal sky. Lying, floating amidst a wash of mirrored stars, drifting peacefully as the atmosphere burns…

Shift – Afrosamuraiist

Everything hurts; my body feels like it’s not my own, and staring out through eyes that belong to somebody else, I see that it doesn’t look like my own, either…

Into Clouds – Luttrell

It washes over me, seeping into every fibre of my being, immersing each and every atom to the point where I don’t know where I stop and it begins…

Underwater – RÜFÜS DU SOL

‘Floating, weightless, the pressure holding me as though it were a vice. I hung in stasis for what can only have been eternity, somewhere between sleep and death…’

Sirens – Icarus

‘I’d been so long in this wilderness that I thought I’d never see another soul again. One by one our tiny band had fallen apart, lost along the way or through a loss of heart, until only I remained…’

Bloom – IHF

‘We woke to the sun breaking on our faces. Squinting from the brightness, we looked around to find that the desolation we’d gone to sleep amidst had vanished.’