11 Search Results for Tag: sleep

In the Spotlight: Robot Koch

The closing chapter in a deeply moving story – Sleep by composer Robot Koch
Sleep by Robot Koch - In The Spotlight

Doze off

Soothing lullabies to put you into a deep sleep, featuring artists like: FKJ, Future Islands, Peter Cat Recording Co., Loving, Daft Punk, Foxwarren, The xx, Good Dog


What today’s insight has granted me is the knowledge that if you don’t check in on yourself, you’ll lose touch with yourself. You’ll become unfamiliar with each other, and it feels very strange. I honestly think this is what it means to feel out of sorts.

Ego Food

We don’t like feeling like we can just force ourselves to adopt values. For me to want to be compassionate, to want to manifest in a particular way, a way that is kind and free of judgement or bitterness, is not what feeds the ego.

Along the Way

We’re there for every day of our lives, but they all smudge into this one long trail of ideas and feelings and memories, and we just have this general sense of ‘being’ somewhere in the middle of it all.

Tired, But Good Tired

Today I’m tired. Tired but happy!


I’ve been on mirtazapine for a couple of months now, and it’s been interesting.


My battle with sleep is a tale as old as time. If I want to fall asleep, I’m chronically awake. If I want to wake up, I’m an immovable, eternal entity.

Rust in Your Hair – Obfusc

Pay attention to your body to avoid zoning out.

Spin Cycles – Flying Lotus

Be mindful of fighting back the bad dreams for they can ruin several hours of your life.

Dream 3 – Max Richter

I’ve been living here for a while – it’s super comforting to me – big, open, full of space and yet, warm and comfortable – almost like going back to the womb.