26 Search Results for Tag: calm

far away reflections — a playlist by a far away fellow • powered by musicto

This playlist is a tribute to the natural world; a reflective homage to the peace and beauty that surrounds us all. This is music to help you connect and reflect, to calm the noise of the mind and listen to the sound of our own being. Featuring artists like: Jason Barty • TPR • Robot Koch • Anna Yarbrough • Emancipator • Andy McKee • Tommy Guerrero • Lane 8

Sukha – Ladislav Pazdera, Karlijn Langendijk

When you listen to music like this one you also remember what it is to be connected to nature, you remember part of the sound of nature in that organic sound, the wood just resonating to the sound of strings being touched, you remember the essential and feel ready to transport yourself again to the best parts of life.

Sukha - Ladislav Pazdera, Karlijn Langendijk