• GREEN SPACE will dive into subjects with greater detail, intimacy and intensity.
• GREEN SPACE will speak to the masses on cannabis and curation as a lifestyle, a calling and a life philosophy.
• GREEN SPACE will extend outward the idea that a playlist is a soundtrack for a moment and that each playlist made is like a contained universe that is part of a larger connected multiverse.
• GREEN SPACE will expand on the ideas of merging various interests, communities, cultures, markets, fields of study
• GREEN SPACE involves itself with the philosophy that a playlist is just as instrumental in enhancing the high as much as the choice of strain, type of flower or various terpenes and flavour profiles.
• GREEN SPACE is about how cannabis and music can open up the internal world, which in turn can expand and enhance the outer world.
• GREEN SPACE is about improving and the world around you and incorporating the insights gained through exploring the connections between music and cannabis and how they can relate to the world at large.
• GREEN SPACE is an exploration of cannabis and music without limits.
• GREEN SPACE is similar to Bruce Lee’s philosophy of Jeet Kune Do, in that it can take the shape of its environment and adapt itself to incorporate, complement and enhance.
• GREEN SPACE is an idea expanding its boundaries as it unfolds.
• GREEN SPACE is about making your rich inner life and outward expression of beauty and empathy.